
Saturday, 3 November 2012

Angler-Friendly Business? Smart Business!

Ontario Sportfishing Brings Businesses Billions!

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources latest fishing economic impact report
based on the Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada highlighting Ontario
Fishing showed individual anglers are spending more on fishing each year. 
Nearly 1.27 million adult anglers aged 18-65 reported actively participating
in recreational fishing in Ontario in 2005. These anglers contributed about
2 billion dollars to the Ontario economy. . .

New Private Members - Only Ontario Marketing Blog 

This is the intro to just just one of the articles LuresAndTours clients
can access on a new private members-only blog which highlights marketing
tips aimed at increasing enjoyable Ontario Recreational Sportfishing Tourism
Experiences. Other topics included in the private blog are: 
  • Making Your Business Angler-friendly.
  • Social Media Platform Tips.
  • Increasing Website Stats.
  • Tapping into unique promotions and marketing opportunities. 
Just one more reason LuresAndTours is your wise media choice!

Want your key to LuresAndTours private executive locker? Email Social
Media AT LuresandTours DOT com . Listing packages are available for your budget!